Tailoring your resume for each job you apply to is time consuming. With Fried Liver you can generate a tailored resume based on your actual experience in seconds.
Competition in the job market is fierce as ever and employers are looking for great match resumes. Fried Liver delivers perfect match resumes based upon your past experience and helps you get your foot in the door. Building the perfect resume for a single job used to take hours, with Fried Liver it takes seconds.
I struggled to even get an interview. Hesitant to give in to AI, but also stuck in the mud, I gave Fried Liver a shot. I wanted to see what the “algorithm” thought I should do. I was really impressed at how it looked at the information I gave it, compared it to the job I wanted and gave my resume the spitshine it needed. It didn’t embellish, it didn’t lie. It was all me on the resume but better.
After uploading my resume to Fried liver, it effectively captured all of my hard skills, soft skills, and accomplishments. I then added a job listing on the dashboard and it quickly produced a new resume that I know will generate interest.
The days of spending an hour or two getting to a good enough resume are over. No manual input necessary to generate the perfect resume for the job you want. Paste your job link into our platform and by the time you've had a sip of coffee, POW! You have the perfect resume.
For a limited time Fried Liver is free to use. We're in beta and wanting feedback from you! It takes a couple of minutes from sign up to start generating resumes for your dream job.
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